Let Food Be Thy Medicine & Medicine Be Thy Food.

About Me

Amidst the chaos of corporate life, I discovered my passion for plant-based nutrition. Feeling the effects of stress and a demanding schedule, I sought solace and vitality in plant foods. What began as a personal journey soon evolved into a mission to share the transformative power of plant-based living with others.

My story is one of resilience and renewal. Through my own experience, I realised the profound impact that nourishing my body with whole, plant-based foods can have on both physical and mental well-being.

Navigating dietary restrictions became a profound part of my story. Allergies to soy, gluten, and certain grains led me on a holistic journey to reset my lifestyle. Prioritising whole, nutrient-dense foods that aligned with my values of sustainability and plant-based living, I learned firsthand how food impacts both health and well-being.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I embarked on a quest to create a space where individuals could find support, guidance, and inspiration to embrace a plant-powered lifestyle.

Incorporating mindful practices like exercise, meditation, and adequate rest, I experienced a remarkable improvement in my health. This journey of self-discovery and renewal gave birth to Flurishine—a coaching programme designed for healing, harmony, and nourishment through what our earth provides us.

Join me on this transformative journey towards health and wellness, where personal experience meets professional expertise. Together, let's embrace the extraordinary possibilities that arise when we nourish our bodies, minds, and souls with nature's bounty.

Your journey to wellness starts here, with Flurishine!


Jade x

What People Are Saying


“I cannot thank Jade, behind this plant-powered service, enough. Not only have I seen a remarkable improvement in my health and energy levels, but her personalised coaching has been a game-changer. Her support and guidance has made transitioning to a plant-based diet seamless and enjoyable.”

— Jessica S.

“Choosing this plant-based service was one of the best decisions I've made for my health. The delicious recipes, informative resources, and expert coaching have truly elevated my well-being. I feel more vibrant, focused, and inspired to continue on this nourishing journey. Highly recommend this service to anyone looking to transform their health.”

— Amanda B.

“Flurishine embodies everything I value in a wellness brand - passion for promoting vitality shines through in every aspect of the business. I highly recommend Flurishine to anyone looking to nourish their body and soul with care and intention.”

— Nicola S.

You belong here♡

Tel: 123-456-789

email: jade@fabc.com

Address: Av. 1 Timbuktwo